Environmental / EPA / DOT / Hazmat / OSHA Training
Construction & General Industry Safety Training
Our mission is to provide quality and reliable content
training at a reasonable cost from knowledgeable instructors
that put the client and students first and to always deliver
what you have committed to without fail.
training at a reasonable cost from knowledgeable instructors
that put the client and students first and to always deliver
what you have committed to without fail.
- We Bring the Training to You
- Utilize Hands-On Equipment at Your Location
- Over 25 Years Training Experience
- Targeted Training Presented at the Right Level
- Accurate Regualtory Information Taught Powerfully
- Judge Us by the “Companies” We Keep
What’s Included in the Training:
- Framable Fine Parchment Paper Certificates of Training
- Photo Identification (I.D.) Card of training (Recommended by
EPA & OSHA) - Copies of all instructional slides used in training
- Handouts of important documents and information
- Course books and manuals (Where applicable or required)
- Continuing education credits (Where applicable to
regulators) - Hands-on materials applicable to the course
- Name tents, text flags, highlighters, writing pads, etc.
Contact Us

David Wiggins
CEO / Chief Instructor / Authorized OSHA
Outreach Trainer
2809 Bundoran Way
Tallahassee, Florida 32309-2807
P: (850) 591-3117